I would always find ways to make noise. My mom could tell you, everything about me had a metronome to it. I WAS LOUD.
I started taking piano lessons as a toddler in southern Georgia and slowly grew to love them, well, parts of them... I hated the music theory but loved playing the piano. After 6 years of scheduled lessons, I began to explore the possibilities of making my own music. I opened Garage Band on my brother's iMac for the first time and started what I would eventually come to learn as "producing". After some time passed, I concluded my piano lessons and picked up writing my own music.
I would always spend my free time listening to Monstercat© albums as I cut the grass for neighbors. It was one specific day that I finally came across a producer named Aero Chord that would inspire me to really begin my journey.
The road was very bumpy at first; finding the sounds I liked took longer than I had the patience for. But as time progressed, and a after short break in 2013, I picked it up again in the following year. I started writing lyrics and developing ideas. These years were spent learning. It wasn't until late 2016 that I released my first song "Timely Adventures." It was an exciting track that I thought would be a hit... But little did I know, I had a long way to go. I ended up pulling the release because I just wasn't satisfied with it. I also kind of found myself giving up... I stopped writing lyrics and I didn't open GarageBand for a while.
I eventually upgraded my digital audio workspace (DAW) to Logic Pro X; this is when I really began to develop quality sound. By 2018, I had moved to Europe, fine-tuned my skills as a producer, and gained a collective following through Facebook, Instagram, and SoundCloud. I also released my first song to official music platforms titled "Intro." From here on out, it would only get better.
A few months after releasing that song, I took some time to reflect on my music. I kept making more, but I stopped releasing it to official platforms. It was primarily on SoundCloud that I would release my music and that's how it remained for a year and a half. As time progressed, I tried releasing more music, but I found myself unsatisfied with the released material, so I took everything down. Everything.
I started running into other producers and started making connections. Through this, I learned that I had been doing it wrong the whole time, I had been trying to do it alone. After some self reflection, I decided to start a group in my local area that would focus on producers like me and building these relationships. Having people that you can talk to means EVERYTHING in this business.
Eventually, I met several producers on Instagram and started developing friendships. We would send each other tracks and give feedback. After a few weeks of this, my music started to improve and my confidence level jumped. I found joy in every aspect of producing and I even started writing lyrics again.
Along the way, something inside me "woke up"... The state of the world became overly apparent to me and the result of this was that I wrote and produced my first debut single "Something Better".
After the song was released, the results shocked me. Now, it didn't hit a thousand plays, but the response was huge in comparison to what I'd ever seen with my music. That gave me a reason to keep going... That gave me hope to keep trying to change the world in my own lateral way.